I'm currently working at Lean Library, a browser extension for libraries. Mostly working with Typescript and React, with a mix of the latest ES/ECMA spec, and S/CSS. I'm currently focusing on browser extensions, with a strong knowledge of native APIs and the innards of a browser. Take a look at my resume.
Every once in a while I'll either be creating or contributing to an open source project (often in the form of a node module).
During my downtime, there's few things better than playing fetch with our 4 year old border collie, Nova. My wife, Indy, and I love to take as much time as possible driving to explore hidden beaches, hike in the mountains, and discover trails off the beaten path.
I believe food is the heart of every home, and so keep a small food and recipe blog. I'd love to open my own cafe one day, and love discovering local favourites.